
fruitbat.estimate.redshift(dm, dm_uncert=0.0, method='inoue2004', cosmology='Planck18')[source]

Returns the redshift of a given dispersion measure using a specified DM-z relation.

  • dm (float) – Dispersion Measure. Units: \(\rm{pc\ cm^{-3}}\)
  • dm_uncert (float or None) – The uncertainty in the dispersion measure. Units: \(\rm{pc\ cm^{-3}}\)
  • method (string, optional) – The DM-z relation to use to calculate the redshift. Avaliable methods are: ioka2003, inoue2004, zhang2018. Default: ‘inoue2004’
  • cosmology (string, optional) – Avaliable cosmologies: WMAP5, WMAP7, WMAP9, Planck13, Planck15, Planck18. Default: ‘planck2018’

  • z (float) – Redshift
  • z_err (float) – The uncertianty in the redshift estimation. If dm_uncert is None then z_err = 0.


Cosmology has a list of the cosmological parameters used in each cosmology method.


Defines the list of avaliable method keywords.

Methods currently avaliable: ioka2003, inoue2004, zhang2018

Parameters:string (bool, optional) – If True, return a string of keywords instead of a list.
Returns:A list containing the valid method keywords. If string=True it returns a single string listing all the keywords.
Return type:list or str